Commercial Pilot Answer Guide 8th Edition


Used at the end of the Commercial Pilot Ground School in preparation for the CPAER exam.

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This up-to-date edition of this advanced study guide is now into its fourth decade as a preeminent exam preparation resource for pilots upgrading from their PPL status.

As much as ever before, the Canadian Commercial Pilot Answer Guide will greatly benefit students as they finalize their studies en route to becoming certificated CPL aviators.

The Canadian Commercial Pilot Answer Guide not only boasts its unique Q&A material, it also combines this with its comprehensive explanations for each and every question that make up its content.

This format ensures that CPL students benefit not just from enhanced exam preparation, but also from the additional learning and analyses of answers that these explanations offer.

Setting itself apart from other exam preparatory content, the new Canadian Commercial Pilot Answer Guide references the most important material available to students as they embark on their trajectory into the licensed commercial aviating realm.

From the Ground Up, Flying Beyond, the Canadian Aviation Regulations, the Aeronautical Information Manual, the Flight Training Manual, the Canada Flight Supplement, and AWARE Aviation Weather all serve as references within this newly updated study guide.

Tied together with the author’s exceptional explanations, the content of the Canadian Commercial Pilot Answer Guide, 8th Edition provides the foremost of means by which students can review essential subject matter to surpass Transport Canada’s CPL standards.

As a long-established educational resource for students and flying schools across the country, the Canadian Commercial Pilot Answer Guide takes students through all of the aeronautical subjects that they need to know to prepare for the writing of the CPL exam.

Seven chapters make up the bulk of this latest version of the title covering the subjects of Flight Operations, Navigation, General Knowledge, Theory of Flight, Meteorology, Weather Reports and Forecasts, and Air Law.

As always, a 100-Question commercial pilot practice test examination appears at the end of the book. The section, Notes on the Questions, enhances this title to provide it with its dual status as both study guide and learning resource without equal.

ISBN: 978-1-990849-01-5

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